Web Stories for WordPress: A new visual media for the open web!

Visual information can be processed 60,000 times faster than text and is easier to remember. Research tells us that people tend to remember only 20% of what they read, while around 37% of the population are visual learners.

See how publishers are integrating this new visual storytelling into their content strategy and their websites. Gain insights about what Web Stories is, how specific publishers are growing engagement with Web Stories, awesome use cases (who it is for), and why it’s important to get familiar with Web Stories. This visual, mixed media, kinetic, short-format storytelling experience is very different from text-based content on the open web!

Join Cathi as she walks you through what you need to know about web stories. This talk will give you a leg up on the competition and have you excited about engaging your audience through web stories.

What You’ll learn

  • Why web stories and why now
  • Useful content concepts
  • How others have used web stories well
  • How you can use WordPress with web stories
  • The creation process in creating a visual story
  • SEO tips for web stories