Meet Glenn Ansley, WordPress Expert

glennGlenn will be presenting during the  eCommerce for Developers session, which you can watch LIVE on April 19. During his presentation, Glenn will walk us through the best way to develop add-ons for iThemes Exchange.

Check out his interview answers below.

Where can we find you on the internet?

Twitter: @glennansley

When and how did you get started with WordPress?

Been working with WordPress since 2004 when I stumbled into web design during grad school.

What resources do you turn to when you want to learn something new?

Google, books.

What is your favorite WordPress feature/aspect?

I enjoy the hooks API the most. I think the hook API is what sets WordPress apart and made it so popular… even though most users don’t it exists.

What is your favorite Exchange feature/aspect?

It’s modularity and the simplicity that creates in the admin screens.

What is the most significant thing you’ve learned about ecommerce over the past 5 years?

eCommerce encompasses a ton of niche areas that you wouldn’t expect at first glance and making all those work together is very complicated.

What is the one tip you would give anyone considering to add ecommerce to their site?

Make a list of the features you need and find the solution that works best for you. If multiple solutions work, make sure you pick on that supports its customers well

What advice do you have for others looking to become WordPress experts?

If you’re already a PHP developer, find time to read every line of the core WP source code in the evenings when you would usually spend time reading. Familiarity with core will be your tipping point.

What is one interesting non-WordPress-related fact about yourself?

I have a wife and 4 kids. I constantly have to remind myself that work is the distraction and not them.

wpsession10_thumbThanks, Glenn!

If you want to see Glenn present on developing for iThemes Exchange, get your event ticket today!

2 replies to “Meet Glenn Ansley, WordPress Expert

    • It’s something I’ve considered since before even launching WPS in June 2013. I’ll be sharing my thoughts at length via several blog posts this summer. Stay tuned!

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