Make a Living as a WordPress Professional
From WordPress fundamentals to professional practice.
By now you have likely heard the oft quoted stats that WordPress powers more than 20% of sites on the Internet. Demand for experienced and qualified WordPress professionals is extremely high, and it is on the rise.
There is a shortage of high-quality WordPress developers.
Right now there are jobs going unfilled because there are not enough people to complete them. Agencies are struggling to find new talent. Clients are struggling to find actually qualified providers.
Professional WordPress Training
What started as simple tutorials on WordPress design and development has grown to so much more. When I launched WPSessions, I had no idea there was such a hunger for higher caliber WordPress education and resources.
While the first few live sessions answered a lot of introductory-level questions, there remained a huge educational gap in the industry. Sure, there is a lot of information scattered all across the internet, but that’s also the problem – it’s scattered. I had to learn everything the hard way, jumping from blog post to blog post, trying to find information that was both current and correct.
I don’t want it to be like that for you.
Clients Want WordPress Sites
Today, more and more clients are seeking professional and easy-to-use websites, and WordPress is their solution.
Not only is this becoming more sought after in small businesses and non-profits, WordPress is resonating with a large audience. From Fortune 100 companies, to government sites, to higher education, to performers, and all the way down to the one-man businesses – everyone is seeking WordPress as their platform. More importantly, everyone is seeking skilled and qualified professionals to help develop that platform for them.
There’s never been a better time to learn the fundamentals (and some incredible time-saving tips) than right now.
No Shortage of Work…
Personally, I have to turn away so many well-paying jobs because I simply don’t have enough time to complete them all myself. I can’t even send them away with a referral because all (literally 100%) of the developers I know and trust are overbooked, too!
Starting now I’m going to change that for good. I’m putting out a multi-part curriculum to help train as many people as possible to produce quality WordPress powered websites.
“WPSessions has a simple focus – to educate you by bringing incredible talent together to focus on specific topics you need to know. They could charge much, much more, but their focus isn’t on money as much as it is education. Check it out now!”
– Chris Lema, Educator
WordPress Video Tutorials
Each course in this module contains multiple, exhaustive video lessons along with articles, resources and quizzes, all helping you understand the finer points of building a WordPress website from concept to completion. Each of these courses below feature a different piece of the website lifecycle.
The hobbyist will get a great overview of WordPress fundamentals in the introductory course.
For the designer looking to add a new skill set to your toolkit, you’ll find several lessons that introduce basic development concepts that will take your work to the next level.
Even if you’ve never touched HTML, CSS, PHP, or JavaScript, you will benefit from this module. This isn’t all of the information, but it is the right information.
No, this particular module will not make you an expert in each of these programming languages (nor does it attempt to teach them to you), but it will provide you with a strong working foundation as you set fourth to become a developer in earnest (if that’s your goal).
“WPSessions is perfect. I don’t want to learn something twice, I want to learn it right the first time.”
– Michael Silva
WordPress Website Mastery
Limited-time Introductory Special, save 30%!
The long-term focus at WPSessions is to provide the most complete, most comprehensive collection of training materials for anyone who is looking to level up their career. We are building the only complete WordPress Training Curriculum that exists, and we’re beginning right here with this first WordPress Website Mastery module.
Everything I wish existed when I started developing websites (and benefit from now, even with 17 years experience as a developer) all rolled into one complete package. Now you have the opportunity to immerse in our brilliant community. You have the opportunity to take deep dives into different WordPress topics and learn them better than ever before. You have the opportunity to hone your skills and stay ahead of the curve.
If you’re serious about breaking into a new and freeing career, or even if you’re just looking to earn additional income on the side, you can signup today at a special discounted rate available only to people who have found this page.
Here’s what you’ll get:
In this module we’ll walk you through the essential building blocks of every WordPress site, including:
Common WordPress Structure & Setup
- Setup Essentials
- Administrative Roles
- Post Types
- Taxonomies
- Themes & Plugins
Theme Basics
- Exploring theme structure
- Common Template Tags
- Understanding Template Hierarchy
- Parent & Child Themes
Creating a Custom Look
- Comparing Theme Shops
- Unpacking the _s Theme
- Creating a custom Page Template
- Bringing a design to life
Essential Plugins
- Contact Forms
- Backups
- Security
- Anti-Spam
Launching the Project
- Comparing Web Hosts
- Domain & Hosting Setup
- Deploying the Site
Bonus Course: Landing the Job
- Interviewing the client
- Writing a Proposal
- Writing a contract
- Getting Paid
Bonus Course: Building Your First WordPress Plugin
- Common Plugin Structure
- Creating Widgets
- Creating Shortcodes
- Settings Pages
Limited-time Introductory Special, save 30%!
Don’t spend even one more day trying to go it alone. Join this helpful, supportive community and become truly empowered by WordPress!
Bonuses & Additional Resources
In addition to the easy-to-follow video-based lessons, you will also have access to a number of useful resources. Building websites may be a simple process, but we know it’s not easy. These additional resources are available to help you along the way.
You’ll Get:
- Unrestricted download access to all videos
- PDF Resource Gudes & Cheat Sheets
- Detailed Code Samples
- Working Project Files
- A beautiful and functional Starter Theme
- Quizzes to assess your growth and ensure you understand the material
Techniques + Practical Application
Yes, the courses cover the many facets of a lettering artist’s workflow, including techniques for creating different styles of hand lettering and methods for producing deliverable vectors.
But here’s why WPSessions is unique:
I don’t merely impart tips and tricks—I show you how to make a living building WordPress sites as a career.
I have a combined 17 years of design, development, and business experience. I have personally helped produce sites for Microsoft, Disney, YMCA, HP, and numerous others.
All of the lessons in this module will help you understand the how and the why of site-building as a career. You’ll learn the skills you need and how to put them into practice with clients while gaining insight into my professional process and workflow.
You’re not just learning the newest technology stack or technique.
You’re getting a comprehensive education that equips you with both the skills and experience to succeed and profit.
Pursue Your Dream Lifestyle
With these skills you’ll find and conquer jobs that didn’t even exist to you yesterday. By the time the course is over your eyes will be open to opportunities missed by many.
Two years ago we saw 18% more people make a living from WordPress. Last year we saw another 25% growth. This year we’re projecting another 33% growth. Will you be included in that growth?
Left an unfulfilling job for a life-changing experience.
“At the risk of sounding cliche, learning to build websites with WordPress changed my life. Faster than I thought possible, I went from a part time job I was unhappy with to freelancing full time and earning enough to allow my wife to leave her full time job and be a stay at home mom. Aside from being able to work flexible hours from any location, my favorite part of the job is providing useful solutions for real people and businesses, knowing I’ve had a hand in their success. There’s no faster or better way to learn than from someone who has ‘been there, done that’ and can light the path for you.”
— Jarrod Pyper, Web Developer
“Not only have I gotten good information from the sessions, I am given a boost of energy and creativity. I work from home and appreciate this chance to participate and interact in a live group of equally interested WP enthusiasts.”
– Julie Anne McRae, Freelancer
Get Started Now!
You can lock-in an immediate early bird discount if you register right now. Instead of $197, you can get all of this content for only $97 (the custom theme alone will be worth that much!).
Let’s get you started on a bigger, better, and brighter career.
Limited-time Introductory Special, save 30%!
Yes, you really can do this!
You are definitely smart enough.
Dedication and perseverance win over inexperience every. single. time. If you’re worried that you don’t have the tech smarts well, guess what, neither did anyone else in this field before they started. If you commit to finishing your lessons and putting forth an effort you will complete this module and jump-start your career with WordPress.
All of our training is intentionally designed to be easy-to-follow. Each step is thoughtfully explained and immediately useful.
You are not too old.
Do you know how old some of the smartest computer programmers in the world are? Beyond their 60s! Yes, there are many young people entering and driving the technology field, but this isn’t a playground built exclusively for them.
If you’re still breathing; if you can use a computer to navigate to this page you’re reading right now; if you have a passion for learning and a drive for success: you’re at the right place!
You do have time to learn new skills.
Yes, this module provides multiple hours of video content, and it’s all broken into bite-size chunks so that you can spend as little as 5 minutes of your day picking up the next lesson. Given 30 minutes a day, you could complete the entire course and be ready to launch your first site after a couple of weeks.
How much time did you spend reading this page to make it this far? You could have already advanced to the next lesson in that amount of time 🙂
You’re not going it alone.
WPSessions is here to encourage you, guide you, and help you succeed. Not only that, but WordPress is backed by a vibrant community of supporters and volunteers. Every quality WordPress-focused group and individual (from agencies, to service providers, to theme and plugin developers, and beyond) made it where they are with the help of this same amazing community. You’ll be surprised by how many people are ready to jump in and help!
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