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A Case Study with USA Berkey Filters

In this interview, the CEO of USA Berkey Filters discusses the evolution of their business over the past two decades. They have been offering Berkey Water Filters, focusing primarily on emergency preparedness and water filtration systems. Their journey began in 2005 when the Berkey brand was relatively small and niche, and they started selling these filters on platforms like eBay before establishing their own website and venturing into Amazon Pay.

Over the years, the landscape of their business has changed significantly, with major shifts towards e-commerce. The CEO mentions key events, such as the economic housing collapse in 2008, the Fukushima disaster, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which accelerated the shift to online purchasing. They used to attend Preparedness Expos but recognized that online sales and building trust with customers were the future of their business. The interview touches on their transition from in-person sales to digital sales, emphasizing the importance of providing quality products and efficient communication.

What You’ll Learn

  • The timeline and ease of implementing payment plans through Amazon Pay with Affirm
  • The importance of providing payment options to make products more affordable for customers
  • The role of Amazon Pay in offering diverse financial alternatives
  • Collaborations with various partners to cater to different customer preferences
  • The benefit of using Amazon credits with Amazon Pay, expanding the utility of store credits
  • The potential of gift cards to be spent anywhere that accepts Amazon Pay, offering customers more flexibility in using their credits