Global Admin – a Deeper Dive Into Multinetwork Organization

In a basic multisite setup with only one network, organization is quite straightforward. There is a network administrator to create new sites and manage settings on the network level. However, when transforming a WordPress installation into a setup with multiple networks, for example through the WP Multi Network plugin which is commonly used for that purpose, new complexities arise some of which WordPress out-of-the-box lacks a proper solution. If a network administrator creates sites, who creates networks? How can users be managed per network? Where are global settings and definitions stored that span across multiple networks? And in terms of UI, how should all of this functionality be exposed?

In this session, Felix will highlight the benefits and common use cases of using a multinetwork setup. then he will dive into advanced customization of those environments. It focuses on finding answers to common questions, presenting approaches for implementation, and providing insight into where WordPress core is heading.

What You’ll Learn

  • Overview of multinetwork
  • How to organize multinetwork
  • Use cases for multinetwork
  • Multinetwork organization in regards to global scope