Human Made Team

KEYNOTE: Developing and Defending a Free Press

Access to unbiased information is fundamental for the proper functioning of democracy. But it isn’t always a given…

This keynote case study finds Human Made and Altis DXP at the center of an intense and controversial national news cycle, helping defend a free press, and working to repel sophisticated and sustained DDoS attacks that brought down websites across the region.

While the stages of the project sound familiar – a large content migration, a complex site build and custom code delivery – the background to the project, the importance of the work being carried out, and the incredible pressures the team were under during delivery, set this project apart.

What You’ll Learn

  • The steps taken to ensure that the site was ready well before its peak season
  • How they were able to defend against free speech DDoS attacks
  • How Human Made and Altis came together to transform the face of journalism
  • Unique considerations they had to take to tailor to this project
  • Custom coding challenges and solutions
  • Hosting challenges and how they overcame them