Putting plugins on WordPress.org; Providing automatic updates

In this session, Pippin Williamson, one of the most prolific WordPress plugin authors on the planet, takes us through the steps of getting plugins listed on WordPress.org as well as how we can create automatic updates.

Pippin brings a greater level of understanding to the plugin development process, ranging from beginner/introductory topics up to advanced development techniques. Whether you’re just getting into WordPress development, or you’ve been developing for years, you stand to learn something from this dynamic speaker.

In this talk, you’ll get a first-hand look at how to build your very own WordPress plugins. Your plugin might serve to scratch a personal itch, serve a client’s need, or even solve a greater community problem. It has never been easier to break into WordPress development, and we are excited to help you take that next step.

Join Pippin Williamson for an exciting and informative look into building WordPress Plugins.

Topics Covered:

  • Registering admin menu items
  • Creating a Settings page
  • Data Validation and Sanitization
  • Using wp_remote_post() and wp_remote_get()
  • Releasing your plugin on WordPress.org
  • and more…