SEO for Freelancers

Site speed, great user experience, and quality content – sound familiar? As a freelancer, you are likely already doing SEO for your clients through designing and building fantastic websites. Take credit for the value you provide and consider adding SEO to your services. Grow your recurring revenue and create long-term relationships with your clients.

In this session, Lindsay will share how to take your revenue to the next level by offering SEO as a service. Recurring revenue is crucial for the stability of any business and adding this service can increase your bottom line. You don’t need to be intimidated by SEO and don’t let your lack of experience get in the way. With the right tools and mindset, you can overcome these challenges and more. This talk will help you to ask your clients the right questions so you can in turn give them clear expectations for how your service will benefit them.

What You’ll Learn

  • Why you should offer SEO as a service
  • Reasons why freelancers choose not to offer SEO as a service
  • How to overcome challenges that are keeping you from offering SEO as a service
  • Ingredients for a successful SEO as a service business model
  • How to set up your pricing structure