Servicing Your Website Visitors With Browser Service Workers

Any cloud provider out there will give you an SLA of 99.some number of 9s%. For those who need even more security in their uptime, a CDN can easily be added to help increase durability. But, none of these solutions are immune from problems and most definitely won’t cover you when your backend servers start returning 504 errors nor will they help you if there is network congestion clogging the pipes.

Luckily, there is new functionality being added to browsers that can help us with this. Come learn about Service Workers that can be added to your website with just a few lines of code and immediately increase the performance, scalability, and availability of your WordPress website (or any website).

In this session, we’ll go hands-on with the code to show exactly how to implement Service Workers on your favorite WordPress website. We’ll also talk about what’s coming next and the limitations of the current system as well as some real-world implementations of the system. If you want to be on the cutting edge of tech, this is the session to attend!

What You’ll Learn

  • Overview of Service Workers
  • How to implement Service Workers on your website
  • The hidden gotchas in the construction of Service Workers
  • Browsers that support Service Workers
  • Code needed to add Service Workers