The Simple Jar a WooCommerce Subscriptions Case Study

The Simple Jar makes weekly deliveries of fresh meals in mason jars to its customers in the Denver, Colorado area. Jeff Daigle worked with them to replace a labor-intensive, fully manual delivery management system with a custom automated platform built on WooCommerce Subscriptions.

The talk will cover adding multiple dimensions of custom data to Subscription records, creating an order management dashboard that allows customers to change or skip their weekly deliveries up to five weeks in advance, and customizing the Action Scheduler to control subscription renewal schedules down to the minute. The result is a great example of how businesses can customize WooCommerce to fit their business models, instead of letting an eCommerce platform dictate how their businesses operate.

What You’ll Learn

  • WooCommerce subscriptions
  • How to evaluate if your business will scale
  • Creating a structure for the business
  • Automating repeated tasks
  • Building for the future