Meet Lisa Sabin-Wilson, WordPress Expert

Paul Clark Lisa will be joining us for WPSession #4: WordPress Theme Bootcamp on September 19th, 2013.

Where can we find you on the internet?

Twitter: @LisaSabinWilson

When and how did you get started with WordPress?

2003. I migrated off Movable Type onto WordPress based upon the recommendation of a friend, after they listened to me whine about having to rebuild all of my archives whenever I made a simple template or CSS change.

What resources do you turn to when you want to learn something new?

You mean aside from my uber talented team at WebDevStudios?

What is your favorite WordPress feature/aspect?

Inline help in the Dashboard & the help and tips you get on every screen. This is huge for users of the software.

What is one thing you wish you knew about WordPress themes when you were getting started?

How to properly enqueue scripts and styles. I wish I could go back and redo every theme I’d ever done in the beginning.

What advice do you have for others looking to become WordPress experts?

Set aside adequate time in your day/week/month to keep up.

Bonus Question: What is one interesting non-WordPress-related fact about yourself?

I am an avid football fan. NFL: Packers.