Registering a Shortcode and Attributes

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Your First WordPress Plugin

1 Introduction 7:30
1.1 Course Introduction 1:16
1.2 Our Demo Plugin 1:48
1.3 Procedural vs Object-Oriented Programming 2:42
1.4 WordPress Coding Standards 1:44
2 Plugin Structure 9:43
2.1 Structure Overview 1:24
2.2 Primary Plugin File 1:40
2.3 Plugin Header 3:20
2.4 Plugin Header Extras 2:00
2.5 Section Homework 1:19
3 WordPress Hooks 10:14
3.1 Intro to Actions and Filters 0:56
3.2 Additional Hook Resources 1:01
3.3 Filter Hooks 1:15
3.4 Action Hooks 2:02
3.5 Writing Your First Action Hook 5:00
4 Metaboxes 18:10
4.1 Including a New Plugin File 3:03
4.2 Adding output to the Publish metabox 2:29
4.3 Creating our first input 2:25
4.4 Saving and Deleting Post Meta 5:38
4.5 Security Checks before Saving Options 4:35
5 Basic JavaScript 16:03
5.1 Properly Including JavaScript and CSS 7:46
5.2 Writing our custom JS 8:17
6 Checking Post Expiration 7:51
6.1 Getting & Checking Post Meta 4:25
6.2 Filtering the Post Title 3:26
7 Settings API 13:04
7.1 Settings API Introduction 2:29
7.2 Registering a Setting 4:31
7.3 Rendering a Setting 6:04
8 Shortcode API 10:16
8.1 Introduction to Shortcodes 1:04
8.2 Registering a Shortcode and Attributes 5:13
8.3 Rendering Shortcode Content 3:59
9 Creating a Widget 18:15
9.1 Introduction to Working with Widgets 0:44
9.2 Instantiating the Widget 3:28
9.3 Creating Widget Output, Part 1 2:37
9.4 Creating Widget Output, Part 2 3:15
9.5 Saving Widget Data 1:46
9.6 Creating a Widget Settings Form 4:37
9.7 Final Product Review 1:48
10 Internationalization 10:31
10.1 Introduction to Internationalization 1:35
10.2 Creating Translatable Text 5:19
10.3 Translating a Plugin using Poedit 3:37
11 Uninstallation 5:46
11.1 Registering an Uninstall Script 5:46
12 Submitting Plugins to 13:39
12.1 Submitting Your Plugin to 4:26
12.2 Uploading Your Plugin via SVN 3:55
12.3 Adding Plugin Details via readme.txt 5:18