Installing Node.js Quiz

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Mastering Sass: From Beginner to Expert

1 Introduction to Sass 12:30
1.1 Introduction to Sass 4:06
1.2 Sass Lingo 2:42
1.3 Sass Compilers 1:21
1.4 Introduction to Sass Frameworks 1:27
1.5 Getting Started 2:54
2 Compiling Sass with Grunt 12:33
2.1 Preparing Your Project for Sass 3:51
2.2 Installing Node.js 3:16
2.3 Teaching Grunt to Compile Sass 5:26
3 Sass Variables 6:12
3.1 Introduction to Sass Variables 6:12
4 Nesting in Sass 8:37
4.1 Introduction to Sass Nesting 3:57
4.2 Styling Navigation using Nesting 4:40
5 Sass Mixins and @extend 16:34
5.1 Introduction to Sass Mixins 3:10
5.2 Understanding @extend 4:57
5.3 Using Operators and Control Structures in Sass 5:38
5.4 Creating an rem unit mixin 2:49
6 Sass Frameworks 7:03
6.1 Using Sass Frameworks 7:03
7 Conclusion 0:21
7.1 Conclusion 0:21